

Not sure when I stopped blogging here, but basic idea is I ran a 1/2 this summer, trained to finish Harvest Days 5K 30 seconds faster than any post 5k I've done. Then pretty much lost motivation. I did try to get a partner and that lasted 2 days. Now it's freezing cold out and I'm planning on canceling membership. Going to start weights this week, but not sure what to do about cardio. I want a treadmill. Waiting for Ken to work something out with his family. we'll see. Otherwise it's craigslist. Gained 10 pounds over the last 2 months! Yuck. Reversing now.


Just fyi. I did the 1/2 and basically quit. i've run 2 times and biked 1 since the race. Not what I was hoping for. I'm paying for it today. As stress enters my life, as it often does, I'm finding it hard to handle. I feel like taking a long jog right now. If I want to have another good year at Glenwood, I must start my exercise regimen. And I think I will have to go back to morning workouts even during the school year since I will be home schooling. YIKES!!!

Most importantly, I need to get organized. Lay out your outfit the night before, move your desk and get ready to slip slid away the pounds and stress!!!!


Ran the 1/2 in 2:32. Not awfull. I felt good up until mile 13. Just so you know Juli, you are not a superstar. Don't try to pick up the pace until the LAST mile. I started at mile 12 and it really ruined mile 13. I guestimate it added at least 3 minutes to my total time. Oh well. Live and learn.

Now what is the next challenge? It was Harvest Days, it still is. I still haven't broken 10/mile pace for a 5k. That is goal number one. but wouldn't it be great if I did 9/miles? I think that is a lofty goal though, so maybe I will shoot for 9.5.

Get on your bike with the girls today. And go for a walk with a houseparent or alison tomorrow. Do one of those Friday, walking at the zoo saturday, rest Sunday. Monday you are back in the game!

Plan your workout with runners world to run a faster 5K.


I've been following the hal Higdon's half marathon training program for the novice the past 6 weeks almost religiously. I moved the days back so long runs are on Saturdays adn I usualy skip Sundays. My cross training is always Cathe muscle endurance weights and I do speed work or hills on Wednesdays and skip the strength.

I skipped last week though because of vacation. I skipped the 10K, but did the 9 mile yesterday. It was an awful run. I didn't hydrate on top of my vacation hyates. Saturday will be better. The rest of the long runs have gone very well.

The half is Aug 2nd, 2 weeks!!! I waiver from scared to confident as the time approaches. By the way. Through this training I have felt very good physically, but my wieght has stayed at exactly the same throughout until I started these pills. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully losing weight will also bring down my times for the 5K in Sept.


too tired to add everythign now, but did do long run. 6 miles. Not too bad. a little unmotivatied at times. skipped todays weights


Still sick. going to the dr. today. did long run Saturday. Went well. did weights yesterday, no core though. Hopefully I'll quit coughing. Also, Luci throwing up 2 nights in a row and Daniel peed on himself last night without underwear on in bed. I'M TIRED!


sickness and back pain are bringing me down. I did walk my long run saturday? or Monday? I walked today day off tomorrow and then planning on getting back into it on Friday. Been skipping weights although I need to get come core together